The opening sequence starts with a medium close up of the main character ‘Juno’, drinking orange juice out of a plastic bottle. The shot cuts to a path and the lower part of a fence which Juno walks into and then it tracks her. At the beginning of shot the non diegetic cheerful, folk music stars. After a few seconds of tracking her she walks behind a tree. When she appears out the other side both her and her surroundings are drawn simplistically with a basic colour palette. At this point the lyrics in the music also stop. The shots then ‘slide’ in to the next ones at different angles where the titles are written over the picture. This is postmodernist as some of the mise en scene with in the shot for instance the leaves are real but the rest is drawn, which goes against our assumed certainty of scientific realism as the ‘drawn world’ collides with the ‘real world’. The Titles are coloured in untidily, and they flash or swap colours. This attracts the eye’s attention and it used commonly in Indie film opening titles. As the sequence progress the drawings begin to develop on the screen. For instance it appears initially as a rectangle, but then more lines appear and a house is formed. This ‘build up’ of setting would interest the audience as it is quirky and unusual. The atmosphere is created mainly by the non diegetic folk music. Juno is walking to the beat of it which suggests that her life is uniformed and rarely changes like a pulse; so the audience want to watch on to see what changes this rhythm. The last shot we see is even more basic drawings- just lines, no accuracy or colour. She then walks round a corner in to the ‘real world’ still as a drawing her self. The drawing of her fades out leaving a 3D girl in a 3D world.
(for a video of the opening follow this link http://www.artofthetitle.com/2008/04/15/juno/ )
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